Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Meet Hedgie

Auntie Ellen and Uncle John Parrott came to dinner and brought me some wonderful treats and my favorite toy.  Meet "Hedgie".  Hedgie is the cutest little hedgehog that is so easy for me to carry about the house. I was a little upset last week when I couldn't find him.  Nervously, I ran around the house - searching behind the pillows on the couch, crawling under the bed, barking at chairs . . . Mom FINALLY found him in my mini-van. Whew!!!!!  That was close.
Sh-h-h-h!  Hedgie's sleeping.

Desert Hikes

Did I mention that we live in the desert?  Out the back of our house is a National Wildlife Refuge. Well - that's definitely for me.  It's my bonding time with Daddy. He takes me for fun hikes out to the water.  Daddy is somewhat of a camera buff.  There always seems to be a camera around when I'm looking wonderful or daring.

Yum - Salix Chewies

I discovered that I have an Uncle Marc and an Auntie Randee Kreamer.  BONUS - Uncle Marc has a company that makes YUMMY treats for fur-babies.  Here's me sporting one of the many WONDERFUL Salix Corporation chews that Uncle Marc and Auntie Randee sent me.

Chances are, if you have a fur-baby and purchase raw hide chewies, they are from Salix.

Cousin Gigi - April 17th

Cousin Gigi


On Sunday the 17th, I got to meet Auntie Diane and Cousin Gigi Kalin.  Mom & I met them at State Beach on the Channel for a picnic.  Gigi is BRAVE!!!!!  She really likes the water.  If Gigi can do it - so can I.


Water Day - April 16th

Daddy & Me.  See Daddy sporting the fashionable ASU at Lake Havasu T-shirt

This is bigger than any bathtub I've seen before.  I learned a new word today - "wave".

Just hanging around watching the fish weigh-in.

Dad & Mom are hoping I'll be a "Water-Baby" - so off to the shores of Lake Havasu at Windsor Beach Boat Ramp.  Not only did I get to play in the water, but I got to go watch the fishermen weigh their catch.

Haircut - April 15th


On April 15th, the first order of business (now that we were home) was for me to get a haircut.  Aren't I a handsome fella?  I feel so-o-o-o much better!!!!!!!!!!

Adoption Day - April 14th 2011

Although a lot is not publically known about my early life, it is not what lies behind me that is important. It is the life ahead of me that will shine.

Daddy found me on http://www.petfinder.com/ at Desert Dogs Rescue in Arizona.  My rescue Mom, Kim, cared for me until the right family came along to adopt me as their "forever fur-child".

I was a little shaggy and a little nervous, but they looked like they would be wonderful parents, so I rescued them right back.  We all jumped into the Jeep to begin the 3+hour ride home and my new life.  Thus begins my journey . . .