Well, I'm off to San Diego . . . the birthplace of California.
I'm going to celebrate New Year's Day in San Diego,
so I better get some sleep now.
We're staying at the Harbor Hotel on the bay.
Nice view, huh? This is a cool place, Daddy!
That's the Star of India in the background.
Our view at sunset. Nice!
The hotel comes fully staffed with a seagull next door!
Uncle Bob & Auntie Cheryl brought me a present!
How did they know it's just what I needed?
There's a lot of bird plants hanging around.
I barked at it, but it doesn't want to fly away.
It's also very froggy in the morning. I can barely see to go for a morning walk.
Some people think it's paradise. Go figure.
I've met a LOT of new friends over here.
This is Annie.
And this is Bradley.
I got to see Tommy on two different days.
And I finally got to meet my cousin, Aspen.
Aspen is Auntie Annie Howe's baby girl.
Daddy went cycling around the harbor by the Hyatt.
Nice boats! These are MUCH bigger than my kayak.
Then, we all met at the Elephant & Castle Pub for lunch.
So many menu options, so little time. What's a puppy to do?
While I took at nap, Mommy & Daddy met "the gang" for a tour at the U.S.S. Midway.
The U.S.S. Midway is an aircraft carrier that was in service from 1945 until 1992.
The Midway had a crew of 4,500 individuals (that's over 13,000 meals per day).
And as an aircraft carrier, she could carry up to 80 planes. The Midway came into service just after WWII and served proudly for several decades, including as the flagship for Desert Storm.
(L-R, Annie & Ralph Howe, Linda & Don Wassmuth, Mommy & Daddy)
On New Year's Eve, Daddy took me to Balboa Park. It's a HUGE park (1,000 acres) and it's home of the San Diego Zoo, 15 different museums, hiking trails, a large pipe organ, tennis courts, and lots of other stuff. Most importantly, it's home of THREE dog parks.
And it has REAL grass . . . it tickles my toesies.
There was the cutest little girl at the park.
Her name is Macy and she's only 8 months old.
If I didn't know better, I'd think she was a coiled spring.
Instead of running, Macy bounces!
And, as always, Mommy brought water.
It's very important to hydrate (or so she tells me).
Here's one of the beautiful sunsets.
We got all gussied up for New Year's Eve.
I even wore a bow-tie like Daddy.
This is WAY past my bedtime. I'm just gonna have to wait until tomorrow to see what 2012 looks like.
Here's what everyone else looks like.
L-R. Bob & Cheryl Miller, Mommy & Daddy, Annie & Ralph Howe, Kim & Bones Stratford, Brenda & Jim Longshore, Sandy & Rich Lewis, Linda & Don Wassmuth, and Carol & Bill Briggs.
While I watched the ball drop in NYC on TV, everyone else went to a big "Gala" on the U.S.S.Midway. WOW!!!! What a way to start 2012, huh?
I have NO idea who this woman is, but she couldn't resist all the good looking guys in tuxedos!
Auntie Cheryl, Auntie Linda, and Auntie Brenda are always so BEAUTIFUL.
Mommy & Auntie Annie are planning something. I hope it's fun and includes me!
Uncle Bones and Auntie Kim are lots of fun.
I think the adults just use the party as an excuse to play dress-up.
Like this hat . . . doesn't Auntie Kim look good in this hat?
They don't make one that's puppy-size, but I sure wish they did! It's a really cool hat.
Uncle Jim used to fly a plane like this. How did he keep up with all of those gadgets and gizmos? It makes my head squirrelly! AND he used to fly off an aircraft carrier similar to the U.S.S. Midway!

The next day, it was time to explore some other floating devices. This is the Star of India. It was built in 1863 and is the world's oldest active sailing ship.
This is Daddy standing by another sailing ship. SURPRISE!
The HMS Surprise was built in 1970 as a replica of an 18th century British frigate "The Rose."
The gang also crawled around on a couple of submarines, including a Russian Submarine - "crawled" being the operative word. Mommy told me it was kinda spooky in there.
Uncle Bones is gonna knock his noggin'.
Up periscope - see anything up there?
Heave . . . Ho . . .
Look at ALL those ropes! Glad they're not on my kayak.
Afterwards, we all went back to the Elephant & Castle Pub again.
Mommy is teaching Auntie Cheryl and Auntie Kim how to knit on a loom.
REALLY? At a Pub?
On my last morning, I came across this pack. At first, I thought they just hired this lady to take them on a walk. But I found out, they are just one big happy family.
On the drive home, we took a break in Dana Point. It was froggy and cold.
And yet, I still met a girl. Isn't this little Beach Bunny a cutie?
All good vacations must come to an end.
I like this concept of celebrating a New Year!
Daddy, the radio is a little LOUD - can you turn the music down?
Mommy, got anything for a headache?
What's this "hair of a dog" solution everyone is talking about?
Doesn't seem to be working.
As we start into 2012, please think of all the little furries (like me) that may be homeless and living in a shelter. If you, or someone you know, has room in his/her heart for uncompromised, boundless love, maybe a fellow furry can come into your heart and find a forever home.